Celebrity news magazine People sits down with Yuvraj Singh for an exclusive interview about the controversies that have dogged him both on and off the cricket field. The dashing India all-rounder tells Karishma Upadhyay that he lost out on captaining the Indian ODI cricket team because of "various other reasons" and not his party-animal image.
"It is very unfair for people to judge me on what I do off the field. I love to party and I have no problems in saying this... As long as it doesn’t affect my cricket, I am going to keep doing what I'm doing. I have been playing international cricket for eight years now and that's not a joke," he adds.
'I don't fool around. Before Deepika, I was seeing Kim'
People reports that after a brief romance with debutante actress Deepika Padukone, Yuvraj is single for the first time in nine years.
"Well, she was with me and now she's moved on with another person. I guess it's her personal choice," he says.
He also reveals, "I don't fool around. Before Deepika, I was seeing Kim [Sharma] for four years and it was a serious and committed relationship."
According to him, the right woman, "not only understands how important my public image is but she should also push me towards the best that I can be in cricket".
While the left-handed batsman says that he will now "need someone stable in my life", he also tells People his big love remains cricket and his big dream, captaincy.
"I would love to captain India one day."
Monday, July 21, 2008
Before Deepika, I was seeing Kim: Yuvraj
6:16 PM
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